As the Ghost of Halloween Present, she takes Croome on a crazy magic carpet ride that reveals his negative influence on those closest to him. Along the journey, Croome is warmed with nostalgia then terrified by painful memories from Halloweens gone by.The second spirit is a shape-shifting witch who breaks every stereotype about witches while nearly driving Croome insane with her wild antics and slapstick delivery. Each one is more frightening than the last as they deliver a chilling message for Croome and his fellow Halloween humbugs.The Ghost of Halloween Past is a truly horrifying yet disturbingly hilarious spirit who delivers Croome to his distant and not-so-distant past. She warns him of three spirits yet to follow. Follow old man Croome as he is visited by the lovely but disturbing spirit of his dearly departed wife. But Croome's life changes one memorable Halloween when four ghastly spirits visit him to reveal the misery he has inflicted upon his friends, neighbors and family members.Based on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, The Legend of Decimus Croome is bound to become a Halloween classic for readers of all ages.

He even shuns his own daughter and grandson. He is content to live in his gloomy old house and avoid all human contact whenever possible. If you can’t find the specific book or literary genre you’re looking for, feel free to contact us by visiting the PurdyBooks contact page.Decimus Croome is a dastardly curmudgeon who hates all holidays but especially despises Halloween. We’ll suggest books in many different categories, and we’re adding new booklists all the time. Fun Booklists for Bibliophilesįind the most eclectic booklists on the internet right here on Purdy Books.

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Comparing A Christmas Carol with A Halloween Carol.Goodreads Holiday Booklists for Gift Ideas.