The Unknown Shore by Patrick O'Brian
The Unknown Shore by Patrick O'Brian

The Unknown Shore by Patrick O

that is the candle unexpectedly snuffed out. which is to say, in a more Realistic way. indeed, one could say he 'never wished' to tie up his ends in a feigned grandiose 'end' to some farsical 'happily ever after' but that the lives of the characters end, very much as the sailors who are unexpectedly killed in an action.

The Unknown Shore by Patrick O

Respect that O'Brian ultimately gave us absolutely Everything he possibly could, and that only his death alone truncated his attempts. It is odd and sometimes frustrating to hear an author wrap up a yarn of such glorious length, and I often wonder to what end it will proceed, but in this way, O'Brian is left mid stream like a record who's needle suddenly drifts to center. I had avoided the last in the series for this author, in much the same way as I avoid the last of many series I love too much to end, but after completing the gambit 4 or 5 times, I decided it was time to take on 'the Last'. See why we feel so sad that there won't be a twenty-second book. See why so many people have followed this series from its beginning. Download the UNABRIDGED version of Master And Commander as read by Mr. Even the female characters and love scenes, often a pitfall for even the best narrators, are pulled of wonderfully.

The Unknown Shore by Patrick O

Each character has their own voice and dialect, not an easy thing to pull off over a span of twenty-one books. Tull is that rare book reader who actually reflects on every word he reads. Then there is Patrick Tull, the British actor who brings these books to life on tape or MP3. Author Patrick O'Brian's ear for dialog, dialects and nautical idioms was beyond brilliant. The details of nautical life are amazing. The characters are drawn wonderfully, consistent enough to create comedy in their reactions, but inconsistent enough to ring true as humans. Each book is filled with adventure, comedy, romance, intrigue and history. If you've never read one, these are the adventures of two best friends, Captain John "Lucky Jack" Aubry and Stephen Maturin, M.D. I think of all audio books, the UNABRIDGED versions of these must be considered the gold standard. It's with great sadness that I finished '21' the final, unfinished adventure of Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin in the Master And Commander Series.

The Unknown Shore by Patrick O'Brian